Math 3140
Abstract algebra I
MWF 2pm
ECCR 139
M.A. Armstrong, Groups and Symmetry.
Math 309
thiemn AT the university's state DOT edu
Office hours
M 1-2, 3-4; F 12-1; or by appointment
Tentative schedule
08.25–08.29; symmetry and the basic axioms (chapters 1-2)
09.03–09.05; examples and relations (chapters 3-4); homework 1 due
09.08–09.12; generators and the symmetric group (chapters 5-6); homework 2 due
09.15–09.19; symmetric group and isomorphisms (chapters 6-7); homework 3 due
09.22–09.26; Cayley's theorem and products (chapters 8,10); homework 4 due
09.29–10.03; Cayley's theorem (chapter 8); homework 5 due; midterm 1
10.06–10.10; Rings and matrix groups (chapter 9); project 1 due
10.13–10.17; Lagrange's theorem, partitions and conjugacy (chapters 11-12,14); homework 6 due
10.20–10.24; conjugacy, Cauchy's theorem, and homomorphisms (chapters 13,14,16); homework 7 due; computer slides
10.27–10.31; homomorphisms and quotients groups (chapters 15-16); homework 8 due
11.03–11.07; isomorphism theorems (chapter 16); homework 9 due
11.10–11.14; group actions (chapters 17-18); homework 10 due; project 2 due
11.17–11.21; group actions (chapters 17-18); homework 11 due; midterm 2
12.01–12.05; Sylow theory (chapter 20)
12.08–12.12; Applications and review; homework 12 due; project 3 due
Final; December 17, 19:30-22:00