Ring Theory

Math 6250

Ring Theory
MWF 1pm
ECCR 118


Anderson and Fuller, Rings and categories of modules.


Nat Thiem

Math 309
thiemn AT the university's state DOT edu

Office hours

M 10-12; F 2-3; or by appointment

Tentative schedule

  • 01.18–01.20; introduction - why rings?

  • 01.23–01.27; basic definitions and review

  • 01.30–02.03; semisimple algebras, complete reducibility; homework 1 due

  • 02.06–02.10; semisimple algebras, isotypic components;

  • 02.13–02.17; semisimple algebras, Schur--Weyl duality; homework 2 due

  • 02.20–02.24; Socle, Radical, artinian and noetherian;

  • 02.27–03.03; indecomposible decompositions and Azumaya; homework 3 due.