Math 6140
Graduate algebra II
MWF 3pm
ECCR 110
Dummit and Foote, Abstract Algebra.
Math 309
thiemn AT the university's state DOT edu
Office hours
M 12-2; F 10; or by appointment
Tentative schedule
01.11–01.15; introduction and R-modules
01.20–01.22; R-modules and vector spaces; homework 1 due
01.25–01.29; linear algebra; homework 2 due
02.01–02.05; modules over PIDs; homework 3 due
02.08–02.12; canonical forms; homework 4 due
02.15–02.19; canonical forms; homework 5 due; midterm 1
02.22–02.26; field theory
02.29–03.04; field theory; homework 6 due
03.07–03.11; field theory; homework 7 due
03.14–03.18; field theory; homework 8 due;
03.28–04.01; Galois theory; homework 9 due
04.04–04.08; Galois theory; homework 10 due;
04.11–04.15; Galois theory; homework 11 due; midterm 2
04.18–04.22; Galois theory;
04.25–04.29; Galois theory; homework 12 due
Final; May 4, 19:30 -