Walter Taylor

Some watercolor paintings 2015.

I continue my mad quest to examine what rivers, lakes (etc.) look like.

For earlier paintings, click on these years: 2003 2004 2005-6 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013. 2014.

Click on each small image to bring up a larger version. The originals measure 12 x 19 inches (painted area).

The photographs are made with a hand-held camera, and often require straightening and cropping for images that accurately represent the original paintings. I also make simple adjustments of intensity, contrast, saturation and warmth, so that on my monitor the colors resemble the origina paintings to the extent possible. Hopefully they will also be somewhat accurate on your monitor. As for printed copy, nothing whatever can be guaranteed! Beyond these simple corrections, the photos are not retouched. I am happy to say that right now I am using a camera with no discernable barrel distortion. Hooray!

When I call one of the river pictures "plein-air," it may mean that the water was painted on site, but some of the surrounding foliage, rocks, etc., were painted later, back in Boulder.

Boulder County, CO, Sawhill Ponds, May, 2015


Painted at home from a photograph.

The ponds were formed when the floodplain of Boulder Creek was dug for gravel. The gravel pits have been restored as ponds, with much aquatic and avian life inhabiting the area. Late spring day, with last year's cat-tails in various stages of fluff.

Near Buena Vista, Chaffee County, CO, June, 2015

Once again I had a very pleasant stay in a cabin at the Vista Court Motel Many thanks to Pam and Rick Rucker, the cheerful and accommodating hosts. This is my eleventh year painting there.

The first five paintings are of the Arkansas River, from the west bank at the River Park near the center of town, looking east. The river flows from left (north) to right (south). We begin with two paintings of a rapid that I have painted many times before. (For some further paintings of this rapid, see 2009 or 2009 or 2010 or 2011 (very high water) or 2012 (low water)) 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 .) This year the water was again very high, probably higher than in 2011. These two were painted on my first and my last mornings in Buena Vista. Here I get to know the river again, down at water level.

Now three river shots from the various river parks in the town of Buena Vista. The first is a view from near water level that I previously painted in 2011 and in 2014. The second is midday from bluff level. The third is late-afternoon glow from the level of mid-bluff. This third scene is one that I have painted often. See, e.g., 2014 and 2006.

Now three paintings from a new location, the Ruby Mountain Campground, six or seven miles down the Arkansas from Buena Vista. Here we are on the east bank of the river, looking upstream. There was a nice spot, mostly shaded, at the boat landing, with a wonderful prospect upstream. I ended up spending parts of three days there, getting these three paintings. One cloudy day; two sunny days. Some studio work on the first two. For the third painting, I stayed on the site all day, and more or less finished it right there. I thank Laurie Halee for suggesting this location, which I had overlooked for many years.

Finally one painting of Cottonwood Creek at an elevation of about 9,000 feet. For last year's very similar scene, see 2014. The water is higher this year, with more of the old beaver dam under water.

Flagstaff summit, Boulder County, CO, August, 2015

Looking west from the summit of this rather small peak (6872 ft.). There is a small grove of pines, some of them showing fire scarring. Often a flock of nuthatches. Although there are roads, trails and picnic areas near the top of Flagstaff, they all avoid the summit, so it is a relatively quiet spot. The slightly smoky air on this day outlined the various ridges to the west.