Word of the Week
Season Sixteen
- chary
- getcha
Suggested by Robin ``Feynmann'' Stevens
- eleemosynary
Suggested by Martin ``Nemesys'' Keegan
- hope
Suggested by Tara ``Red'' Green
- estival
Suggested by Robin ``Feynmann'' Stevens
- civilisation
- cynic
- pred
``Which, yes, yes, I invented. Thank you, thank you.'' - Kevin McDonald
- excision
- cathartic
- sphygmomanometer
Suggested by Robin ``Feynmann'' Stevens
- shortly
- acyclic
- fiagram
Suggested by Colin Batchelor ``Bedroom''
- regular
- Yuletide
Suggested by Robin ``Feynmann'' Stevens
- jetlag
- backlog
- sybaritic
- cupidity
- syncategorematic
Suggested by Martin ``Nemesys'' Keegan
- overload
- erotica
Suggested by Tara ``Red'' Green
- ekpyrosis
- juicy
Suggested by Tara ``Red'' Green
- regolith
Suggested by Robin ``Feynmann'' Stevens
- aqua
Suggested by Tara ``Red'' Green
- gooey
Suggested by Tara ``Red'' Green
- lenticular
Suggested by Robin ``Feynmann'' Stevens
- mancude
Suggested by Colin Batchelor ``Bedroom''
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