Mark's Song
(c) Jenny Moy/Richard Green, 1992/4
It was guest night at the college,
And I really must acknowledge
They know how to plan a do;
So I thought I'd go with Rachel,
And then after we had ate well,
Heaven knows what might ensue.
[Instrumental reprise of last line]
She thought my idea was nifty,
So I coughed up 10 pounds 50
And set up the rendezvous,
But a flaw in the arrangements
Led to some last minute changements
So I had to go with Huw.
[Chorus] So he had to go with Huw.
Well, the lighting was judicious,
And the food was just ... edible
So I guess I can't complain.
And though Huw's not so good-looking,
I was still glad that I took him,
But it wasn't quite the same.
As we walked home close to midnight
All the streets were bathed in moonlight
But we didn't take a dip,
And I think he'd have been frantic
Had I tried to get romantic
So it was a wasted trip.
[Chorus] What a shame, a wasted trip.
Now the moral of this story
If you don't want a furore
At the JCR guest night
Is, before you ask your honey,
Or worse, part with any money,
Get the date exactly right.
[Chorus] Or you won't enjoy your plight.
No, you won't enjoy your plight,
There'll be nothing else to do,
You will have to go with Huw.