Kempner Colloquium Abstracts

Fall 2003

Title:  Group actions and the identification of Galois groups
Speaker:  Alexander Hulpke
Affiliation:  Colorado State University
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, September 29
Location:  BESC 180


One of the oldest questions in algebra is to determine the Galois group of a given rational polynomial. While this question arises naturally already in a first year algebra course, typically it is only touched upon in textbooks, mainly because the calculations involved would be horrendous to do by hand.

On a computer, however this becomes practical and provides a nice application of Group theory and Invariant theory and leads to research problems in group theory and computer algebra.

I plan to show the techniques which are used for this, and indicate the practicability.

Title:  Contact group actions and stratified spaces
Speaker:  Eugene Lerman
Affiliation:  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, October 6
Location:  BESC 180


In the early 1990's Reyer Sjamaar and I proved that singular symplectic quotients are stratified spaces. That is, singular quotients naturally decompose into a locally finite union of manifolds and these manifolds fit together in a nice way. In particular intersection cohomology of such spaces makes sense. Unfortunately, since the links of singularities of singular symplectic quotients are not symplectic, our proof ended up being indirect. More recently Chris Willett and I found a direct proof based on the fact that the links in question carry a contact structure.

Title:  On the current status of the AKS Deterministic Primality Test
Speaker: Pedro Berrizbeitia
Affiliation: Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela)
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, October 13
Location:  BESC 180


Over a year ago, Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena, from the Computer Science Department of the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, India, surprised the international mathematical and computer science community with their publication "Primes is in P", in which the authors produced an algorithm, now called the AKS Algorithm, that determines whether a given number n is prime or composite and that runs in polynomial time.

The simplicity of the mathematics involved in the description of the AKS Algorithm added fascination to their remarkable achievement.

Since then, various authors in different parts of the world have worked to improve AKS, some by strengthening insights given by the authors of AKS, others by producing variants of AKS that work faster, for a large family of numbers.

In this talk we will begin by describing the AKS Algorithm, and explaining some of the ideas involved in it. We will then briefly discuss the improvement obtained by F. Voloch and those obtained by H. W. Lenstra and C. Pomerance. Next we will discuss the variant of the AKS Algorithm that I obtained, and finally we will describe the various extensions of this variant produced by Qi-Cheng, by D. Bernstein, and by P. Mihailescu and R. Avanzi.

We hope to provide the audience with a feeling for where the subject stands today, as far as we know!

Title:  On generalizations of vertex algebras
Speaker: Michael Roitman
Affiliation: University of Michigan
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, October 20
Location:  BESC 180


Recently several new ideas were introduced of how the notion of vertex algebra can be generalized. Among these are the field algebras of Bakalov and Kac and open string vertex algebras of Huang and Kong. The common feature of these structures is that they retain the associativity property of vertex algebras, but do not necessarily require commutativity. We suggest a very general framework of defining such non-commutative generalized vertex algebras and constructing explicit examples. Our construction depends on a choice of a class of complex analytic functions; for example, the rational functions would yield the ordinary vertex algebras.

Illustrated lecture:  Mathematics in Stone and Bronze
Speakers: Helaman and Claire Ferguson
Affiliation: Helaman Ferguson is both a sculptor whose work is located in institutions and collections worldwide and an internationally known mathematician whose algorithm has been listed as one of the top ten in the twentieth century. He enjoys a CRADA between his sculpture studio and NIST which is in the third generation of cable-based metrology systems. Claire Ferguson has written extensively on Helaman's work, including the Gold Ink and Ozzie Award winning book Helaman Ferguson: Mathematics in Stone and Bronze. She is a graduate of Smith College where she was an Ada Comstock Scholar.
Time:   5:00pm, Thursday, November 13
Location: Duan G1B20


Helaman Ferguson's mathematical sculptures in stone and bronze celebrate ancient and modern mathematical discoveries, melding the universal languages of sculpture and mathematics. Using slides and video, Helaman and Claire trace Helaman's creations from initial concept, mathematical design, computer graphics, diamond cutting and final form. Their lectures have fascinated audiences worldwide, bringing together multiple disciplines and stimulating dialogue among them.

Title:  On pseudocubes and primality testing
Speaker: Siguna Müller
Affiliation: University of Calgary
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, November 17
Location:  BESC 180


Last year's ideas of Agrawal, Kayal, and Saxena have laid a milestone in the area of deterministic primality testing. Unfortunately, their method is mainly of theoretical interest, as it is much too slow for practical applications.

In the area of random time deterministic tests, improved versions of AKS have been obtained by Berrizbeitia, Mihailescu, and Bernstein by essentially using Kummer extensions.

Via a totally different approach, H.C. Williams and collaborators have developed a test which is conjectured to prove the primality of n in time (lg n)^(3+o(1)). The main advantage of their algorithm is that it is extremely simple, as it is based on Miller-Rabin procedures. Their (plausible) conjecture concerns the distribution of pseudosquares. These are numbers which behave locally like a perfect square modulo all primes in a certain range, but are nevertheless not a perfect square.

While squares are much easier to deal with, this naturally gives rise to the question of whether the pseudosquares can be replaced by more general types of numbers.

We have succeeded in extending the theory to the cubic case. To capture pseudocubes we rely on interesting properties of elements in the ring of Eisenstein integers and suitable applications of cubic residuacity. Surprisingly, the test itself is very simple as it can be formulated in the integers only.

This is joint work with Hugh Williams and Pedro Berrizbeitia.

Title:  Laplace spectrum, Length Spectrum and Covering Spectrum
Speaker: Guofang Wei
Affiliation: UCSB
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, November 24
Location:  BESC 180


One of the most important subfields of Riemannian Geometry is the study of the Laplace spectrum of a compact Riemannian manifold. Another spectrum defined in an entirely different manner is the length spectrum of a manifold: the set of lengths of smoothly closed geodesics. We define a new spectrum for compact length spaces and Riemannian manifolds called the "covering spectrum" which roughly measures the size of the one dimensional holes in the space. We investigate the relationship between these spectrums. We analyze the behavior of the covering spectrum under Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and study its gap phenomenon. This is a joint work with Christina Sormani.

Title:  The satisfiability of equations on real intervals
Speaker: Walter Taylor
Affiliation: CU
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, December 1
Location:  BESC 180


We consider the satisfiability of a set \Sigma of equations on a space A, i.e. the existence of continuous A-operations that satisfy the equations \Sigma. In my talk at CU on 9/14/98, I spoke about spaces A (e.g. most spheres) on which only the most trivial of equations are satisfiable. In 2003 we consider the ostensibly simpler space R and its subintervals. For example, if \Sigma is a set of axioms for group theory, then \Sigma is satisfiable on R but not on a closed interval.

The main result of the talk will be that the collection of finite \Sigma satisfiable on R is not recursive, in stark contrast to the 1998 result for spheres. I will outline a proof that is accessible to almost all mathematicians, from first-year graduate students on up. I'll invoke a functional equation for sine and cosine, which we all know. I'll mention Cauchy. I'll use an algorithm-based treatment of recursiveness (alias decidability) with which one can easily and understandably prove undecidability (by referring to known undecidability results, which I shall take as given). I will even refer to one of Hilbert's problems.

Title:  Optimal Game Theoretic Strategies for Winning a Stochastic Race
Speaker: Christine Jerritts
Affiliation: CU
Time:   4:15pm, Monday, December 8
Location:  BESC 180

A racecar driver's chance of being first across the finish line generally increases with the speed of her car. However, fuel consumption and accident risk also increase, thereby offsetting the advantage of the quicker pace alone. Thus an optimal strategy for winning a race must balance the risks and rewards of increased speed. We designed a mathematical framework for a stochastic race in which players attempt to be the first to win n points in a sequence of rounds. In each round, racers independently choose the number of points k <= n they wish to attempt to win, which are then awarded to the racer with probability p(k). Since the function p is decreasing in k, a racer must weigh the benefits of increased speed, that is choosing large values k, with the risks of not moving at all as 1-p(k) gets close to 1. Our goal is to solve games of this type for various governing functions p and number m of racers. We describe optimal game theoretic strategies for winning the race under a range of conditions for 2 or 3 players, and some results are generalized to races with m players.

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