Fake 2-descent on the Jacobian of a genus-3 curve
Nils Bruin
For many questions in explicit arithmetic geometry of curves, one needs
detailed information on the rational points of the Jacobian of the curve.
A first step is to bound the free rank of the finitely generated group
that they form. For hyperelliptic curves [curves admitting a model of the
form y^2 = f(x)], we have fairly good methods for producing bounds, and
curves of genus 2 are always hyperelliptic. Curves of genus 3 (for
instance smooth plane quartics) are generally not hyperelliptic. A
straightforward generalization of the standard methods to these curves
would lead to infeasible computational tasks involving number fields up to
degree 756. We propose a modification, which requires number fields up to
degree 28 and is sometimes just about feasible.