Journal of Mathematical Physics 14 , 104–118 (1973); Errata: 15 , 520 (1974)
Copyright (1973) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.
This paper derives and studies in considerable detail the author’s ‘drainhole’ model of a gravitating particle. The field equations solved minimally couple the geometry of space-time to a scalar field, with polarity opposite to the usual. The model manifold comprises two asymptotically euclidean three-spaces connected at the drainhole throat, into which flows the accelerating ‘gravitational ether’ to emerge on the other side still accelerating. From the ‘high’ side the drainhole appears as a center of gravitational attraction whose strength is determined by a positive mass parameter. From the ‘low’ side it appears as a center of gravitational repulsion whose strength is greater than the attractive strength of the high side. The space-time manifold has no event horizon and no singularity, and is geodesically complete.