Walter Taylor, contacts while traveling May-June, 2003 ----------------------------- Travel agent: Heather Ross, Via Travel Service 303-449-7800 800-524-7169 ----------------------------- If phoning, please remember the time difference of seven hours. When it is 2PM in colorado, it is already 9PM in Portugal, 10PM in Spain. Generally speaking, morning in Colorado is the good time to call. ----------------------------- email: I should be able to read email once or twice while in Lisbon. When in Spain or in Sintra, this will not be certain. ----------------------------- (Heathrow) DENVER LONDON MADRID May 20 21:55 ---218---> 14:00 May 21 15:30 ---7063--> 18:45 May 21 ----------------------------- In Spain May 21-26. I will be in Spain by myself First night at the home of Luz Rodriguez, Madrid (34) 91 319 4435 in USA dial 011-34-91-319-4435 Then May 22-26 at the Shambhala Center of Valencia "El Centro Shambhala de Valencia esta situado en la calle Alicante no 13 pta 2 de Valencia. Entre la estacion de Renfe y la plaza de toros." My main contact at this time will be Fernando Ayllon, who has this telephone and email: ayllon cell phone: 670342734 (with 34 if dialling internationally) (This number is also used by the Center as its phone number.) e.g. to dial it in USA: 011-34-670342734. ----------------------------- Night of May 26-27 I will be traveling to Lisbon by train. ----------------------------- In portugal, May 27 - June 6 My best contact will be Luis Sequeira. He speaks perfect English, and will know how to find me in Portugal, and will be able to get a message to me. His email address is Office phone 217500179 + international code 351 for portugal Home phone 219206806 + international code 351 for portugal Cell phone 963557842 + international code 351 for portugal On Luis's home phone, you may or may not get an English speaker. So the cell is better. To dial in USA, e.g. 011-351-963557842 for the cell ----------------------------- Chris will arrive portugal May 29: 28 May Denver Am 1122/1496 Bost LH423 Frank 5:30 on 29 May 29 May Frankfurt 13:30 ---TAP5573--> Lisboa 15:30 ----------------------------- Hotels in Portugal May 26-31, Hotel Zurique, Rua Ivone Silva 18 P-1200, LISBON Phone ??? ???? Fax ??? ???? email ??? ???? June 1-7, Hotel Tivoli-Sintra Praca da Republica - 2710-616 Sintra, Portugal Phone: (+351) 21 923 72 00 Fax: (+351) 21 923 72 45 E-mail: Web: (for fax or email, of course include name of Chris or of Walter.) ----------------------------- June 6, walter returns to Colorado The next day, Chris continues to Haifa, Israel, reaching there by Sunday night, I believe. Her contact there is her brother, Albert Lincoln: ----------------------------- (Heathrow) LISBON LONDON DENVER June 6 8:15 ---499---> 11:00 15:35 ---219---> 18:25 ----------------------------- Christine Lincoln Info 303-447-1683 also, May 22, care of Dave and Kathy 505-588-9235 18 June 11:25 Munich ---LH424----> Boston 13:55 16:16 Boston --Am 1085/2013--> Denver 20:22 ----------------------------- Walter's son Matt Taylor -- any emergency about the house. 303-447-2893 ----------------------------- Taking care of watering Marnie Rachmiel (lives at North and Alpine) 303-440-9755 303-246-6714 (cell) -----------------------------