A horizonless, singularity-free, geodesically complete, ‘drainhole’
model for spherically symmetric gravitational fields that is better than the
standard ‘black hole’ model.
A five-dimensional unified field theory able to model qualitatively
(and quantitatively to an extent not yet fully explored) many of the
phenomena thought to be explainable only by quantum theory.
A replacement for the standard cosmological model which fits well the
observational data and almost effortlessly provides a unified explanation
for inflation, deceleration, acceleration, dark matter, and
‘dark energy’.
Papers presenting these results:
Ether flow through a drainhole: A particle model in general relativity,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 14, 104–118 (1973);
Errata: 15, 520 (1974).
Time, the grand illusion,
Foundations of Physics 4, 311–319 (1974);
Erratum: 5, p. 193 (1975).
Space-time–time: Five-dimensional Kaluza–Weyl space
Quantum effects from a purely geometrical relativity theory,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 24,
225–230 (2005).
Cosmic acceleration, inflation, dark matter, and dark ‘energy’ in
one neat package
revised to
Cosmic inflation, deceleration, acceleration, dark matter, and dark
‘energy’ in one coherent package
further revised as
Cosmic inflation, deceleration, acceleration, dark matter, and dark
‘energy’ in one coherent package (see below).
To see electronic versions of these and others of my relativity papers,
follow the links below.
Calculus Course
Relativity Course
DeLong Lectures
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